Saturday, February 3, 2007

Galerii opening 2-2-7

Finally we came to the purpose of the journey. We had sent on about 55 paintings, 40 of which are on display. Most for sale to find a permanent home back in Estonia. My father had been writing his speech for days, buying a dictionary along the way. This was probably his first ever public speaking in Estonian. Piia runs the galerii, and organized the showing. After about 1 1/2 hours of final mad scramble, we were ready to go.

It was very well attended with more than 35 people in addition to family and employees. Even a long lost uncle (Velo) and his son and grandson drove over 3 hours to attend. About 10 painitngs were sold before the opening even began. I couldn't understand the speeches very well (the 40 or so words I've learned this week will help me get around, but not to have or understand more complex comversations), but the main points were that this was probably the largest exhibit of Juliusi paintings ever, and he and grandmother would have been very proud of it. The art collector who had purchased Juliusi painiting of Tallinna Roekoda, the town hall, 2 years ago showed up and presented my father with a calendar he had made of Juilusi art. It had been finding this painting's sale on line that had gotten us in touch of the galerii to begin with. All in all it was a wonderful tribute to Julius and his work.

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